Torn. | Teen Ink


October 20, 2009
By Andrew SILVER, Miles, Texas
Andrew SILVER, Miles, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit here hour after hour thinking of what to write.
It's the same everyday, night after night.
Confusion is on my mind and I don't know how to feel.
I sit here minute after minute asking if this is real.
I can feel my affection is just the same as before.
In some odd way they are equal, neither loved less or more.
So, still, I sit here not knowing what to do.
What can I say aloud while still staying true?
The outcome, for now, is still uncertain.
Who will know how it ends till the drop of the curtain?
Slowly all of this rips in half, my head, my heart.
To be honest, it has from the very start.

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