The Feeling | Teen Ink

The Feeling

October 20, 2009
By Andrew SILVER, Miles, Texas
Andrew SILVER, Miles, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Down deep in my soul, I feel something growing.
Something good that is, I feel it overflowing.
I can feel it in me, quickly rising to the surface.
What will happen when it gets there, what is its purpose?
I get worried about what will come of it.
What I'll say, what I'll admit.
Don't want to scare you away.
That's the last thing I want to do.
But this feeling grows everyday.
This feeling is about you.
I think it's here, at the top, ready to come out.
Ready to explain to you, what it's all about.
I wonder what you'll say and do after the feeling is in the open.
Run away, or stay and embrace, with a new sight awoken.
Guess I'll have to wait till this feeling is no longer unspoken.

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