?The Cure? | Teen Ink

?The Cure?

October 20, 2009
By FangofFenrir BRONZE, Orem, Utah
FangofFenrir BRONZE, Orem, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Cold… so very cold… no more screams… nothing… just cold.


I did it! It was me all me! My project! My design! Why do I live! Why cant mine fail! Everyone is gone EVERYONE! Its lonely… lonely.


Time means nothing now. They are adapting. Jana… she.. died her nanites failed and the other ones got to her. I should have never built them. What have I done poor Jana.

It was me

The nanites did this. I found dead ones coming out of me. In my feces, out of my nose, in my mouth. The old ones in me are killing the new ones. A few of the other doctors are safe as well.

End of days 9/9/3699

It’s the end. I did it. We did it. Humanity did it. Our own greed was our undoing. Power, the lust for power. Oh god what did I do.

Disaster!!!! 9/7/3699

The screams! The blood curdling screams. What is happening to them. A child I saw a child she aged away as she ran screaming. She just fell to dust. No more screaming. No more!

Completion 9/5/3699

We did it! The nanites are complete. The first child has received them and they are a complete success. His physical changes were almost immediate. Jana and I are going to celebrate. 12 long years of research is finally complete.

Headache 9/3/3699

Why wont it work. Why cant the nanites repair each other. They have everything they need. There has to be something. I’m missing something. Ill get it.

The author's comments:
i normally dont do poems but my teacher wanted one XD

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