Pressure | Teen Ink


October 19, 2009
By emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you are handed your life and are confused, take it and say "its just you and me now"-emily

They let us know we can't handle society,
as the clock tick's, as it reminds us we are failing with success.
We try to grab on, but we can't hold.
What do we do?
The pressure invites us in with open arms,
into a new world where everything is fake.
The Darkness begins to settle in out minds,
we have to let go,
or thoughts will surely blow.
Full of thrown failure,
we all cry into our laps,
and hold ourself tight like if it helps.
Why is life so competetive, unthoughtful, and dull?
As it tortures us until we unbandage out hearts,
and let everything go.
Pressure is here, pressure warns us,
and pressure helps us.

The author's comments:
Its someting that helps us remind ourselfs that pressure isnt just to hurt us, its to help us.

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