Fallen Apart | Teen Ink

Fallen Apart

October 18, 2009
By ChrisM BRONZE, Brockville, Other
ChrisM BRONZE, Brockville, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace and end the war on the streets' - Tupac Shakur.

What are you supposed to do, when everything starts to fall apart?
When that person you loved, just ripped out your heart?
When the world you knew was falling, right in front of your eyes?
When you find out your whole life, was built on lies?
When the world finally bears its ugly teeth at you?
And all that you feared was true?
When the world you knew turns so cold?
When all of your possessions and innocence has been sold?
When you know it was lost due to your stubbornness?
That you through away your happiness and success?
When all you can do is just pray at night for one more chance?
One more shot, one more opportunity and romance,
Praying for God to give you a sign, a reason to be
You try to get across to him, you cry and you plea
You get no response, you now know your alone
Every shot, every chance blown
You cry, start to break down
You get up and start to look around
You find a picture of her and burn it
You start to rip all of your pictures, bit by bit
You lost your one opportunity, your one shot
You've lost everything you got
That's when you glance outside
And you see her getting in her ride
You race out the door, and try to stop her
But the door's locked
You fall to your knee's, broken and shocked
You scream to the heavens asking why
and you begin to cry

The author's comments:
I didn't really feel it, but over time it grew on me.

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