The Deal | Teen Ink

The Deal

October 18, 2009
By Arianna Tortomasi BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Arianna Tortomasi BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello and thanks for
calling Domino’s?
Can I take your ord-
er? –Yes, I’d like to
order some pizza.

Cacophonous sounds
in the background of
the morgue, metallic
utensils placed on
mats that look like coo-

O-kay, would you like
to know about our
new five-five-five deal?
-Certainly, I would.
Great! With this deal you

-kie sheets. Doc’ cuts the
torso of a young
man, who looks older
than he is, while the
apprentice looks on.

get three medium,
one topping pizzas
for five fifty five
dollars each. How does
that sound? -It sounds great!

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