"To See The World In a Grain of Sand" | Teen Ink

"To See The World In a Grain of Sand"

October 14, 2009
By Karissa17 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Karissa17 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I were to see the world in a grain of sand,
Then I could hold the world in my hand.
With this power, could I "play God"?
Manipulate the people? Poke and prod?
I remember the famous song-about the world in his hand,
And I could prove them wrong-that God isn't a man.
Yet, this power is too much-I don't desire it at all.
So I'd drop the sand quickly-to the ground it would fall...
I refuse to be in power-the pressure is too great.
It never feels right to be the ruler of fate.

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