Golden Petals | Teen Ink

Golden Petals

October 14, 2009
By andrea21 BRONZE, Fairfield, Ohio
andrea21 BRONZE, Fairfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blood red crystals fall out of the corners of her
Cold lips
Staining iridescent
Golden Petals
Demolishes under tanned hands as she slowly lowers herself to the browning grass
Heavy waves of aroma

Sticky maple tear drops

Deep within the cores of the sugar crusted brunette stagnant tree trunks
Bathing in flames of an orange autumn sun
Cool breezes softly lift the rays from her salty skin
Glistening of sweat droplets forming on her wrinkled fro

As the sun sleeps a dark humid night emerges
Blood red crystals fall out of the corners of her
Cold lips
Staining the iridescent
Golden Petals
Shine under the twinkling golden sapphires scattered in the black abyss

The night sky

She lies on the browning grass
Wonders vaporizing from her pores

How did summer nights flee from

Tightly clenched fingers?
Dropping her ruby stained popsicle stick onto a crunched golden sea of autumn leaves
Staining them with the red sugary liquid for the

last time.

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