Dead and gone | Teen Ink

Dead and gone

October 13, 2009
By chely BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
chely BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stare aimlessly,
Into a meaningless cruel world, as your love is being ripped out of my heart.
The pain so intense I grow numb.
The memories of your beautiful hazel eyes looking into my soul is all I can see.
At a time the things that was destroying us,
was my poor hood and your silver platter.
My Hispanic culture didn’t approve of your Anglo skin,
this vein reality separated us like rippled paper.
The worst dreams had become actuality she drifts without a sound into the depressing winter winds. Our love elapses and time for me stops.
Consumed by sorrow my life burns as you take it with you to high heavens.
You are now dead, and nothing
As I am now nothing.

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