Michael Chin | Teen Ink

Michael Chin

October 13, 2009
By Anonymous

Cupid hit me with his arrow
and the pain didn't start to come until now
after a year, the mark on my heart is starting to ache
and with one little tap it's sure to break

feeling vulnerable and insecure, there is little can I say
because each time I look at you, you take my breath away
what am I doing wrong, did I miss a major point
i've been standing here forever just for you too see

Lollipops and rainbows are starting to fade
as the dark rain clouds begin to fill this empty space
suddenly I want to pull out of this, I want to to get away
This isn't fun anymore, I still want to play.

Look over here and no where else
because when you look at me the rain stops
these feelings are worth everything, the pain disappears
Only you are the person that I will cherish for years.

i love you

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because for me, writing is one of the best ways to express my emotions. This poems represents the vulnerability you can feel when you're in love. The pain, the sadness, everything is worth the risk. All of those insecure feelings and hard times are worth it all when you're standing by the person you love and you know it's right. Nothing can describe that feeling.

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