I Am... | Teen Ink

I Am...

October 15, 2009
By Falloutguy78 BRONZE, Cabot, Pennsylvania
Falloutguy78 BRONZE, Cabot, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the early morning runner
And I am trying to catch the bus
I am a book being written
And a writer of books

I am the black sheep amongst the white
And I am following a path less traveled
I am the keeper of the goats
And the livestock’s life support

I am a mess upon the artist’s canvas
And the painting that doesn’t look as it should
I am the creation-less hands
And the rhythm-less musician

I am a traveler of other cultures
Getting away from where I am
I am a philosopher of multiple theories
And I am open for them

I am the eye that within its beholder, beauty is held
And am outcast for it, though I am still accepted
I am a black hole of knowledge
I am the coalition of everything I know

The author's comments:
An A.P. English assignment that turned out better than expected.

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