Crispy leaves | Teen Ink

Crispy leaves

October 16, 2009
By kirtsue BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
kirtsue BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crispy leaves and bon fires

green to yellow
to orange to red
then dead.
cool breeze blows.
down goes another leaf off the bear tree.
not a blade of green shows
rusty fence earth under
with every step a crunch
like biting into a burnt cookie
the mountain builds up higher and higher
raking up every last crispy crumb
but for what??
as another leaf

falls swiftly in the gust of air.

plunging into the pile
all around your hard work goes flying
but nothing can compare to the excitement of chilly fall nights
under the clear calm black night sky
cheering at the Friday night football games
not paying attention
bon fires
under blankets
keeping warm from the fiery flames
roasting marshmallows
melty white stickiness drips
gooiest perfect s’more.

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