'SUN'? | Teen Ink


October 12, 2009
By Triceness BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Triceness BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

The flowers on the hill,
They gaze at the sun with open and welcoming eyes,
Not like me,
I squint at the sun because my eyes have been spoilt with dark and mysterious coolness of the night.
‘O great Sun’ I said, ‘I’m afraid that I do not appreciate you anymore,
You just don’t cut it for me,
Your magic no longer works on the likes of me,
For I have seen better and brighter times.
When you are off charming others on the other side,
My eyes have opened in secret,
And I seen the wonders of the night.
My mind has been pleasured with the dark secrets of the night.
My body has been pleasured by the activities of the great night.
I have smelt the smells and heard the sounds of a majesty that is greater than yours.
The night is exciting. It changes. Things happen.
And what do you do? You are the same all the time.
I’m sorry that I had to tell you this,
But I couldn’t carry on with our relationship this way, with all of these secrets.’
No reply.
‘Very well. I understand that you are disappointed in me.
You have affected me more with your silence, than if you had said anything.
I think that we should just carry on, as we were, as if nothing had happened.’
So there I stood, on the hill with the flowers that gazed at the sun.
I looked at the sun with my eyes as wide as possible,
And although the sun had said nothing hurtful to me,
It was hurting, burning my eyes.
The sun was taking revenge on me.
I looked around and among me,
The flowers were starring happily at the sun without even blinking.
The flowers were happy to look at their master, at their creator,
If the sun decided to move, the flowers would follow.
I envied them. I envied the flowers.
But they had not dared to open their eyes to the night, as I did,
They were happy with the day that the sun gave them.
I tried looking at the sun again, and failed as the pain in my eyes grew unbearable.
In my cowardly position away from the sun, I looked through the corner of my recovering eye to see the smug flowers, all just sitting there looking up at the sun with no pain at all.
I envied them. But I wasn’t going to give up,
I looked at the sun again.
The sun hurt me more than ever,
It’s revengeful sting and burn made me want the cool lushness of the night more and more.
I looked as long as I could before my eyes felt as if they would explode!
I couldn’t take it anymore. In anger I shouted as I shielded my face,
‘Screw you!’
Then I drove to the mall and bought some sunglasses.

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