A Time | Teen Ink

A Time

October 10, 2009
By Anonymous

i think about a time when i would be relaxed
when the fire of our passion will burn on endless time
and your arms will be enterlinked with mines
i think about a time where your i loves yous arent just words but how you feel
when our love would be unbreakable like steel
and i am relaxed
but than your kisses that were once so soft fade away so slow
and your eyes start to linger into a guy i no longer know
your hugs arent sad to leave me
it just feels like you dont want to be with me
your not the guy i onced loved
so to ease the pain i think about a time where the fires of our passion will burn on endless love
i think about that time
and i am relaxed...

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on Jan. 29 2010 at 9:11 am
dymiindprincess8 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 17 comments
i absoulutely looovve this poem i honestly do honestly