Red is | Teen Ink

Red is

September 30, 2009
By torien BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
torien BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Red is the first rose of spring, foretelling the summer ahead
The autumn leaves escape the tree; and they too are red

Red is the heart that can never be broken
But also the blood that caused it to open

Red is the parrot that never stays silent
Red is the anger behind all the violence

Red is the coat of Jolly St. Nick
Red is the stripe of a peppermint stick

Red is the face of an unhappy father
But also the face of an embarrassed daughter

Red is the button that no one should press
Red is the “60” at the top of my test

Red is the sauce dripping from spaghetti
Red is the blood dripping from a machete

Red is the ruby that glistens and gleams
Red is the laser that powerfully beams
Red is the kiss that remains on a cheek
Red is the salmon that swims against the creek

Red is the paint that graces the canvas
Red is the magician that prepares to vanish

Red is the pepper that scorches the tongue
Red is the mallet that tortures the gong

Red is the cherry at the top of a pie
Red is the color that captures my eye.

The author's comments:
My favorite color is red so i wanted to talk about the many things red is

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 16 2009 at 3:06 pm
hailey lock SILVER, Park City, Utah
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment
:) nice poem