ME!!! | Teen Ink


October 6, 2009
By Shawna Loniello BRONZE, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin
Shawna Loniello BRONZE, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today I awake, bright and early,
September 1st begins my high school career,
I throw on some clothes and eat some breakfast,
then head off to the bus stop as I wait in anticipation.
Finally, I board the bus,
The feeling in my stomach is indescribable.

I’m 14 years old, a freshman in high school
and today I go from the oldest in my school to the youngest,
I want to be a teacher when I grow up,
make a difference in peoples lives as my teachers did for me.

I walk into the school feeling like every eye is on me,
which is an illusion, but that’s how I feel and what is true to me.
I go to my classes for day A,
I have five long classes today due to block scheduling,
and in each one, we had to talk about our selves,
I didn’t want to make a fool of myself
and say something I would regret.
But, I put my fears aside and say,

“I like babysitting, being with friends, shopping and being outside.
I also like reading fine books and going to school.
My favorite class is math and lastly,
I’m considered a geek to everyone but my friends because I try to get good grades”

All this that I say has done no harm,
for no one has said a thing,
given any looks,
not even a stare.
For what I have said there is nothing to compare.

For today I learned to be myself,
and not let a thing get in my way,
for I am here to succeed,
not to be liked by everyone I see.
Now the day is done and I go home prouder than can be.

The author's comments:
I had to write a poem on the first day of school about myself and I thought "Hey, I'm at school why not talk about it."

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