Murder of the Paragon | Teen Ink

Murder of the Paragon

October 5, 2009
By Meixly SILVER, Brookline, New Hampshire
Meixly SILVER, Brookline, New Hampshire
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Little moth, let's burrow.
The cacophonious shudder of your wings
slits the flesh of the decaying tome.
Have you the slightest inclination?
Your nature be of the mellowest sorrow.

Along the bottom of the sky,
death grows.

It’s a genocide,
hear the wails?
No one does.
Who listens to silence anyways…?

Let us out!
The insidious spores,
they infect you,
they infect me,
they infect each other.

Suicide? What happened to martyrdom…
The death of humans.
The life of Earth.

We touch the synthetic beings,
scratch our hearts out with their

The blood of industrialization runs

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