Escaping | Teen Ink


October 1, 2009
By neverhatealwayslove SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
neverhatealwayslove SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Running down the alley escaping my one and only fate
Never having a care in the world
As I run from place to place
Sunshine glistens on an autumn’s day
As the snow somehow falls in the month of May
As a red October calls upon the Gods
And we listen so inattentively
We remember who we were as time passes
As we begin to age
Our life ripens like a softened fruit
As we slowly wither away in the cold and silent night
We remember what happened exactly that very first night
As the wind roars and fires blaze
Never was it too late to see what we became
As we look into the reflection of pool and see Satin
We ask ourselves were did we go wrong
Drowning in our dreams and just can’t seem to wake up
Is it a dream or is it not
We pinch ourselves just to wake up
But just seem to drown more and more
Drenched in tears form all of our fears as he looks into your soul
Cover it up and don’t let him in
While he loves to drown in all of your sins
Fate brought you here to fight all your fears
Now face him look into the pool and let go of your soul
Or you will destroy yourself
Because the real Devil is inside all of us
Feeding of your sins and lies
The only way to win is rip off his disguise
Look straight in the eye and see who he is
Because no one is the real devil besides your own consciousness

The author's comments:
As somtimes i look into the mirror i see who we all are we are all beautiful on the outside but inside we are nothing but enemies inside ourselves slowly eating away at us.

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