Waiting | Teen Ink


September 19, 2009
By liztran655 BRONZE, Lansing, Michigan
liztran655 BRONZE, Lansing, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

a brick wall
with no intentions to keep anybody out
not strong at all
there is no strong will backing it up
it has no purpose
it is paper thin with a scary exterior
spectators gaze only from a distance
storm clouds surround it
lightning strikes
shadows lurk along the walls
yet inside
there is a beautiful garden
roses are in full bloom
luscious in life
and there a maiden waits amidst all the beautiful life
forbidden to leave the exteriors
anchored to this one site
doomed to live a lonely life
in such an enchanting place
she waits
for somebody to just knock down the walls
with just a flick of a finger
for the wall wasn't built to keep anybody out
it is there to prove to her
someone cares.

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