Broken Home | Teen Ink

Broken Home

September 14, 2009
By Anthony Trombetta BRONZE, Sidney, Nebraska
Anthony Trombetta BRONZE, Sidney, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Born into a broken home
Riddled with alcohol and drugs.
Passed around like the pipe used to consume them.

Violence pouring from every crevice of life
As if standing in a rainstorm
Sheltered only by the hands of people you THINK

Prisons capturing the people I love years at a time,

leaving behind only memories of a broken dream,
To have that person you truly love
Left behind in nothin but letters
From a figure you can never see.

The most horrible incident
That can leave a child scarred for what seems like an eternity
As you watch them place the gun to thier own head,

Sunshine gleaming off the revolver
As the barrel touches the temple, See the cloudless sky's reflection
Bounce off the trigger,
Smacking me in the face,
Like a cloal fresh from the flame.

The world stops spinning for what seems like,
A life time.
As my short life flashes before my eyes,
I then black out.

A Dark Dreamless Sleep

I wake up

Fresh start to a Fresh life.
Days, weeks, and months fade into
of problems that cease to excist.

Broken Lives memded together
Leaving me in a world filled with bliss
That only seems to exist in fairytales.

Skipping threw a globe
Concurring teen problems
Relationships, fights, money, and homework
Nothing but a feather on the back Of a modern day giant
Only 5'6" in size but bigger than any imagination you can imagine.

My once two bedroom boundries expanded,
Into an eldless realm pouring with faith, dreams, and opportunities
Molding me into who i am today.

Standing before the universe
In new clothes from a fresh new style.

As new clouds start to form
I stand and watch in awe.
For these clouds hold nothing but the

Assisting me to realize
The hurricane before was nothing but an obstacle
To reform me into a new man.

What I hold before you today
Would not exist without the past.--

For Without The Past There Would Be No Future.--

I would walk through every storm,
Every Broken Heart,
And relive every tear
To be where i am today.

I now lay myself down to sleep
With thoughts of nothing but what tomorrow brings.

a New Life,
A New Family,
And A New Self.

My once dreamless sleep transformed,
Into what i now call,--


The author's comments:
This is my autobiographical poem about where my life started... and where my life is today.

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