Foot in the Grave | Teen Ink

Foot in the Grave

September 5, 2009
By nevercomingbackonherecauseimold BRONZE, Cayce, South Carolina
nevercomingbackonherecauseimold BRONZE, Cayce, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Blown upon the winds of time
across the bloody sea of red.
Burning dying, loudly ringing
across a painted sky of gray.
Burrowed in a dream of life
a tale of pain and sorrow.
Colors blend and swirl apart
making the world eternal black.
Watch the little bird fly and fall
as yellow coats the ground.
Hear my spirit soar in fear,
the Reaper drawing very near.
For if I ever go tonight,
my dreams shattered among the dead,
I value everything we've said,
among the many letters.
I never asked to be part of this,
never begged for pain, yet
here I stand, a foot already in the grave.
My heart can take no more of this
the burning in my chest.
So lay me deep to sleep
amidst the flowers and unrest.
Bring my pain to peace to that
we can meet again.
Let the gun take me, let the bomb hit me!
Just end this awful pain.
Carry me to a world of warmth
so that I can live again.
My foot is deep within that grave,
I will do my final act.
I'll say my good byes to the light
and kiss the darkness good morning.

The author's comments:
This was a poem I wrote during a history class for a project. We were talking about World War I and how dangerous it was and all that. There was a picture in our textbook that my teacher pointed out to us. After that she assigned us the project of writing about it in any form we wish. So I wrote this.

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