Into the Gleaming Sunshine | Teen Ink

Into the Gleaming Sunshine

September 5, 2009
By musicfreak BRONZE, Albany, New York
musicfreak BRONZE, Albany, New York
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Cold. Wet.
Sad. Still.
Unable to move.
Unable to breath.
Unable to die.
Water crushing my lungs.
Rushing through my body
Instead of blood.

But wait,
there's a small small light.
Getting bigger and bigger.
Shining, shimmering.
An angel.
Fluffy wings,
gleaming face.

Out of the darkness,
Happy, warm, dry.
Able to breath,
Run like never before.
Run from the darkness.
The cold, and the wet.
Run through the war,
the bloodshed.

Into the Gleaming sunshine.

The author's comments:
I wrote this a few years ago, and added on to it as i typed it into the box. it's really not that great...

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