A rain of Emotions | Teen Ink

A rain of Emotions

September 4, 2009
By Elise39 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Elise39 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Champions expect pain
Champions endure pain
Champions never complain


Speak your mind
even if your voice shakes.

A blank stare out the window
thoughts rise off the pane
the rain comes down in buckets
each droplet a new topic
how did i get to be this way?
what happened to reality?
the truth stares back at me
and I taste a drop of the truth
smiles don't always mean happiness
friends aren't always forever
and love doesn't always find a way
each droplet of rain is a tear of sadness for all that has gone awry
but just as the rain covers the pain,a smile will cover the truth.

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