The Accident | Teen Ink

The Accident

September 3, 2009
By Jaspreet Ahluwalia BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
Jaspreet Ahluwalia BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk up
onto the stage
I grab my pogo stick and flinch
for I am at the talent show,
and I am a bit scared.
I can’t remember what happens next,
or what I did,
but As I walk up
the next thing I knew,
I’m at the hospital
in a very itchy bed.
I see my mom and dad
in the corner
talking to each other.
I feel very tired,
and I fall back to sleep.
Then I wake up, and we leave
to pick up my stuff from school.
When I enter the gym
with my principal by my side,
I hear a roar from the school
I see before me,
and I feel happy and relaxed
as I wave back.

The author's comments:
This happened to me in the 5th grade

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 19 2009 at 1:48 pm
JenniferB. SILVER, Harvey, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 88 comments
good, lots of imagry