The Human Change | Teen Ink

The Human Change

September 3, 2009
By Akin19 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Akin19 BRONZE, Stockton, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What we all desire is to know,
The truth of oneself and the world,
We strive to look for those answers,
We live for the feeling of endless happiness,
When our feelings take over life starts to bend,
During last bitter moments of death,
We discover the truth but it all comes to the end,

We know pain and live to never feel that same pain again,
No one can understand you unless they know that pain,
We crave for pride, acceptance, and love,
When we feel unappreciated our life starts twisting to a dark fate,
The heart becomes enveloped in the black hole of loneliness,

At the end there is always light at the top of the hole,
When the people begins to understand,
They pull you out of your black darkness,
and replace your soul with joy,happiness, and laughter,
The question is will it last forever,

Everyone knows the pain of loss,
We become angry and try to have revenge,
We try to replace our sorrow with the downfall of others,
When one opens their eyes and see the loss of others,
That's when we begin a new change in the world.

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