By the Moonlight | Teen Ink

By the Moonlight

September 2, 2009
By Anonymous

Walking . . .
Running . . .
Falling . . .
getting up . . .
getting nowhere . . .
and somewhere along the path of anxiety which I so boldly took
not knowing the consequences,
I found
walking on a moonlit path
and praying that it didn't stumble
and fall
I understood . . .
For I know how hard it is to feel that way
willing to be the light in the darkness,
even if it means betrayl . . .
Betrayl . . .
Discrimination . . .
Not knowing the difference between truth and guilt
right and wrong
fire and rain . . .
and someday, we'll realize
that nothing is more wrong than prejudice
Let it go
and you too can feel the warmth of the moonlit path,
and you won't have to pray that you'll stumble and fall
Let it go
and someday, you won't need the moon at all.

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