candle of life | Teen Ink

candle of life

September 8, 2009
By xtuesday BRONZE, Naucalpan, Other
xtuesday BRONZE, Naucalpan, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing is a dog's life, but the only life worth living..."
-- Gustave Flaubert

i'm moving on to greater things.
i'll make something out of my life.
i have a whole future before me.
there's still time so slow down.

those are the thoughts that
swirl and dominate your mind.
but time is a capricious thing
that cannot be kept tame in an hourglass.

life is a trip where nothing is sure.
you never know when or why.
you won't understand the hows or the whos.
there are no starts but there is a finish.

the past is gone and your future is coming.
future... that's the dream where everything is right.
it doesn't exist because it's all wishful thinking.
trust only in tomorrow, and today.

life is like a candle.
it flickers and melts and will soon end.
you decide how big your flame is
and how many it can envelope with its light.

but keep in mind that the candle wanes.
it reaches nearer to the pool of wax
and the light does not get any brighter.
do you understand the message here?

once lit, the flame is strong.
as time goes by, the past begins to dull.
the best light, you see, is always the present.
the here, the now... take off, burn strong.

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