Drowning in Yesterday | Teen Ink

Drowning in Yesterday

February 4, 2024
By efang SILVER, Pennington, New Jersey
efang SILVER, Pennington, New Jersey
7 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Blurry blues

Blurry vision

All concealed

Can you envision

The greatness of the endless sea?

Burning lungs and feeling free?

A glowing mass up high above

With bubbles floating to the top

Reminisce about the past

When the world just seemed so vast 

Much to explore

And much to find

A journey of life

Not yet defined. 

Promises made,



Broken again,

Sunken pieces scattered

Across the ocean floor.

The author's comments:

Being underwater often gives me peace of mind and the quiet darkness gives me a moment to reflect on the past. I think that as I grow older, I turn to self-reflection more often. As a youth, I was told that all dreams are possible and that life is really a journey to be experienced and enjoyed. However, that sunshiney tale seems almost too good to be true. Chasing dreams has become tiring and I can't help but wonder if that promise of a life of adventure and excitement was all a lie.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 8 at 9:35 pm
taylorp14 BRONZE, Key West, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Love your poem!