Mirroring | Teen Ink


April 9, 2022
By Mia_Zzzzz BRONZE, Beijing, Other
Mia_Zzzzz BRONZE, Beijing, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maybe I'll quit... Tomorrow.


Gouging twin streams

Down my face

And also, hers


in miscarried



My feet



And also, hers

But countless more inches still span

the yawning gap


Between her






My eyes whisper: “Who are you?”

Her gaze breathes back: “Who are you?”


A murky twilight

Never visited by sunrise

A tempest of echoes

Each an expectant question

A black hole


For assurance


Slip on my mask

Pull it up high

Conceal the skin beneath my eyes

Stained with her shadow


Mechanically, I lather on a wide smile

When I look up

Her face appears identical

The same gaping gash


Hold on

We plead with each other

Just a little bit longer

Until I can shatter this mirror


And then

We’ll be free

Fragments of sunshine

Mirroring our release

The author's comments:

Technically, the perception of a poem depends on the experiences of the reader, so please don't let my ideas behind the creation of this poem limit your interpretations. 

Through this piece, I wanted to help all my readers realize that sometimes, the only obstacle standing between you and success is YOU. How many times have you thought "OMG I'm so scared" or "someone else is so much better than me" or "there's no way I can get this right" before you've even attempted something? We can all push ourselves to a whole new level, if we free ourselves from the mirror of our insecurities and step out confidently into the sunshine. It is certainly difficult, but we should all try to rediscover ourselves, instead of being mere trapped reflections of what we could potentially be.

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