Horizon | Teen Ink

Horizon MAG

By Anonymous

Further than the horizon do heaven’s gates await
A step beyond the broiling sunset’s auric eye
There, in a palace of pleasure, all life’s troubles
Cast yourself not into a grave; to reach bliss you
need not die
Beside a goddess thou shall wait
And upon golden carnivals thou shall satiate
Crest the banks of Lethe; her naiads obey
And with gentle fingers remembrance slay
And to the wantoneth Lady Misery saith -
“Let us be cruel recollections’ blight’d decay.
For even you must bow to Redemption.”
So tread on, dear soldier, with feet clad in blood
To the valley where widows’ tears have stilled,
No longer transforming dust to mud
You may lay your cross down into the soil,

your desires shall be fulfilled
A silent mind; your conscience will cease its eternal
And no longer shall the blood of comrades desecrate
Damning curses shall benumb on their owners’ tongues
And from their crumbling carrion wrung
The accord of Death; so march onto the horizon
Though with each step the sun is further flung
For you must remember Heaven is but a dream

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i love this so much!