Summer Deer | Teen Ink

Summer Deer MAG

By Anonymous

     Voices of color
And light with sound
Stars that twinkle
And grow from the ground
Put it in your pocket
As you walk toward the sky
Step ever so lightly
For the deer are nearby
Quiet and soft
Tip tap tiptoe
Subtly approach a delicate doe
The sun beaming orange
And grand green grass
Soft dust that settles
As slowly you pass
But once again wind thrown to the sky
And blooming bursts of flowers
Shrivel and die
The deer run and hide
Winter’s the face
Frost so bitter
Gives the illusion of lace
The blue turns to gray
And the green turns to brown
And nothing but silence covers this town
But one fine day color appears
Along with the laughter
Erasing all fears
And the sun rises hot
Like a jewel in the sky
Step ever so lightly for the deer are nearby

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This article has 3 comments.

i love this so much!

on Sep. 6 2015 at 11:12 pm
Authorintraining88 GOLD, Somewhere:p, Massachusetts
11 articles 1 photo 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the universe experiencing itself

I love the last phrase... it ties it all together nicely. Nice work!

on Oct. 19 2010 at 9:33 am
12MELODY BRONZE, Columbus, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is the key to everything

That poem was really good, and it was feeled with a lot of emotions.