The realisation | Teen Ink

The realisation

September 7, 2021
By Flibbertigibbet BRONZE, Siddapur, Other
Flibbertigibbet BRONZE, Siddapur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sat by the brook, drooping and shook;

Sobbing at my untoward fate,

Thinking 'to my destiny I was a bait'.

Until I looked around,

Saw a cotton boll, borough-bound.

Incapacitated to fly with the gusts, 

Yearning to unhand itself with insufficient thrusts;

Soon there was a zephyr and lo and behold the boll freed itself from the clutches of the tree.

I wondered how a flurry did what a bluster couldn't do,

Perhaps I should be patient and slow down too!

I had learnt my lesson, my past was the immuring branch,

I knew I would be set free to, as I watched the rill turn into an anabranch. 

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