Looking Back | Teen Ink

Looking Back

March 15, 2021
By 2fullerton SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
2fullerton SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking Back

I look back to when a ball under the car was my only problem.

I look back to when my only responsibility was getting home before dinner.

I look back to when my bike was the most useful object I had.

I look back to when the secret forest spot was the coolest thing ever.

I look back at the carvings of our initials in the tree.

I look back to when I would sneak soda to my friend’s house so we could drink it.

I look back to sleeping over with friends and playing video games all night long.

I look back to our eyes would dim as we would try to stay awake.

I look back to I would wake up shoved into the couch because I had no blankets.

I look back to old friendships that I no longer have.

I look back to when class was just painting.

I look back to when the coolest kid was the fastest kid.

I look back to wall my old friends from my old school.

I look back to the cafeteria.

I look back to the lunches, the noises the cafeteria made with that many people.

I look back to how big I used to think 8th graders were.

I look back to we used to run to the lunchroom to get churros before they ran out.

Looking back to the good times is always good to remember to show where you came from, and to show where you are going.

The author's comments:

This is free verse poetry that talks about your past and how many teens used to be. 

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