Fair | Teen Ink


June 19, 2019
By Muiz.K SILVER, South River, New Jersey
Muiz.K SILVER, South River, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one remembers to turn on the light."
-Albus Dumbledore

Life isn’t always fair.
It has ups and downs.
Births and deaths, that occur without sound.
But trust does not matter and save your breath.

Live and let live a world filled with death.
Release the burden of those who are deaf.
Run from those who don’t want you to be free.
Forget about those, that see blindly.

Life isn’t always fair.
It has ups and downs.
Births and deaths, that occur without sound.
But rest be assured it’s nothing that can’t be turned around.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem based off of the pressure that one gets from their family for things like school, and other struggles, such as lack of self esteem or death. It's a poem meant to show that life may not always be fair, but you can at least live life to the fullest. Even if not always. Some days, that tiny moment of enjoyment can free you from a burden you didn't realize you were carrying. 

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