Why I hate you | Teen Ink

Why I hate you

June 14, 2019
By Aswathinair BRONZE, Blauvelt, New York
Aswathinair BRONZE, Blauvelt, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Why is it that you only think of me on your lowest days?

Why is it that I am only thought when you are lonely?

I am barely a speck in your grand life when you are sane

I am ignored and disregarded as even an acquaintance when you are you.


Why am I always your backup?

Why do you tell me lies to keep me around?

Why tell me you’d fall for me when I don’t even stand a chance?

Why keep me on a string like a puppet?


Why do I let you control me?

Why do you make me this vulnerable?

Am I too naive to see that you are using me?

I am, aren’t I?


Why do I always let you in?

Why even when I know all you bring is destruction

I am lost in all your lies

I have believed you for so many years




Wonder no longer

I am free to live my life

I am free from living my life under your control

Now I truly understand you

You are a toxic element in my life

I wish I had thrown you away before you could steal my heart and tear it apart a million times again

Now I have said what I have said

There is why I hate you

The author's comments:

This is about someone who I've known for many years and they have used me over and over again, I have recently realized that I am worth more than what they make me feel and I have realized my relationship between this person has been very toxic and I have cut this person off. I hope that whoever reads this realizes that if they have toxic people in their lives they cut them off and know they are worth more!!! 

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This article has 1 comment.

jognsmoth said...
on Jun. 19 2019 at 10:46 am
jognsmoth, Orangeburg, Arizona
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
<33 you’re so lovely and strong and wonderful 🤟😌 get that bread 🍞 🦵🐸🤡