Writer | Teen Ink


May 26, 2019
By Zeke BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Zeke BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm nobody's hero. An absolute zero - Ape Of The Hour Donkey Kong


Blank of mind, pen in hand.

Though use it, I cannot.

Thoughts like, the grains of sand

Many I have forgot.

A vortex of thoughts, live about.

Though use them, I cannot.

To pick and choose, I surely doubt.

My mind, always we fought.

Skilled I’m not, I am told.

Though ignore, I cannot.

Soon I know, my cards fold.

My own blood, all but shot.

Sharing my work, through word and speech,

Though hear it, I cannot.

The answer close, just out of reach.

The things I have so sought.

The author's comments:

Writing is difficult. Always has been, always will be. It's a struggle. I feel poetry is an easy way to get out of writer's block. It can be so realxing just to write and ryhme. This is a poem that shows my experience being a writer.

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