Anxiety | Teen Ink


May 14, 2019
By Anonymous

is it truly necessary to bug me?

Why am I the chosen one?

Why must you keep me up?

From shaking tingling limbs

To making my heart pound out of my chest

Why did you choose to show yourself today?

It's been so long and you are just a delay

Is it necessary to keep me away from what I seek?

All I wanted was an all-night sleep

Why do you come when you are needed the least?

You visit me when I need to sleep

Or when I have a huge game or test that week

Why can’t you realize I need my space?

I need my space to gather my thoughts

But instead you take over my mind

Is it too much to ask for you to just go away

Please leave me alone anxiety

The author's comments:

This is a poem I feel that a lot of people can relate to. This poem talks about my struggles with anxiety. 

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