starting then | Teen Ink

starting then

April 4, 2019
By Prarthana BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
Prarthana BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And I was shoved face into nondescript, green garments,
Just another sign of another shedding token of my normality,
Sitting on a wheelchair,
A victim of bitter perception,
Silent glances and boisterous objections.

It perhaps, was a dream,
Titled ‘A Day At Its Absolute Worst’,
Fraught with thousands of unfamiliar, strange faces,
Unmeant empathy and,
Unsolicited painkillers.

Then post-sleep, comes anticipation,
Of it,
Of that,
Of alas- that-mustn’t-be-named,
Of the tenure under concentrated lights
And painstaking crafting of my mindless vessel of a body,
Of finally waking up to a blinding, spinning room,
Of curious crimson stains and cotton-white bandages,
Of reaching out for familiar faces against the odd backdrop,
Against the struggling explosion somewhere inside.

It echoes,
A loud, resonating feeling,
A constant threat,
A relentless grip around my throat.

Did time stop? (Or did I?)
A day,
Not an eternity,
I was told,
Whatever of mine was,
Said otherwise.

As the inside reels,
The outside turns inside,
Puts on a brave face, 
Lies, needs support.

It’s a whole experience, 
No less, 
Stays with you in the ways
Today greets tonight.

How much happened?
Was it even real?

The author's comments:

This is a poem that talks about one of my most painful experiences so far; a surgery. It was a crazy day and it affected my life in significant ways at that time. It was like I was trapped in this little box floating on the fabric of time, I was completely lost and confused- everything happened so fast. I wrote this piece a few months after the incident when I had the mind, peace and courage to put something like that on paper.

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