i don't know the words and i don't want to | Teen Ink

i don't know the words and i don't want to

February 27, 2019
By clarkjg15 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
clarkjg15 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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i don't do well with snakes and i can't dance

a song i haven’t heard since october

plays merrily in my ears

and sends my heart racing

she sang it with soft subtleties

that danced round my head;

she was a really good singer

within those white, blue, green walls

i hear her voice

serenading in the shower

running water drowns out the melody

and i try to listen;

it is the only good in this place

the day i left was the day i broke ties with her voice

i wasn’t meant to fall in love with it

so i quickly fell out

today i heard the song in a foreign octave

not music to my ears, no;

it sent me into a panic

i never want to hear it again.

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