Yellow Childhood Memories | Teen Ink

Yellow Childhood Memories

February 13, 2019
By aesslin21 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
aesslin21 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from that yellow house which forms the center of the neighborhood,

the games of tag play at that park across the street,

the adventures in the woods with my best friend,

the bike ride where my group of friends raced to school.

I'm from the house where my dad screams and celebrates when the Packers play,

the family game night when my sister throws a tantrum when she lost,

the family where my parents offer the main source of motivation,

the hot summer days where we lived on that jet ski.

I'm from the annual trip where I go to Colorado with my best friends and shred the mountains,

the late weekend nights pounding out the rock band instruments with my dad,

the hot summer days where I would whip water balloons at my friends,

the constant laughs and smiles watching my dog play in the yard.

That yellow house is the centerpiece of my childhood memories.

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