Love and Care | Teen Ink

Love and Care

February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

I am from family where I am worthy of their time.  

I am not from a place where I search for love, and when

found, it disappears what feels like weeks.

I am from a neighborhood where playing after dark builds character.

I am not from a mountain of fear that take

over the bodies of the innocent.

I am from the laughter when others detect my presence.  

I am not from a controlling sadness.

I am from a strong, independent mother who

never puts the relationship with her kids in jeopardy. .

I am not from a father who will

protect his family.

I am from a duplex where the

memories resided.

I am not from the bold memories to where my heart and soul occupy.

I am from a street where friends break down the barriers that I built.   

I am not from a street of grief and hatred.

I am from a town where things happen

to people.

I am not from a place of crime and drama.

I am from the grocery store that reassures my family in times

where we need it.

I am not from a place where money is handed out like

flowers from the Salvation Army  

I am from a place where happiness coincides with


I am not from a place where I underestimate the

importance of family.

I am me.

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