how to write a good poem | Teen Ink

how to write a good poem

February 1, 2019
By t.ylerdavis SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
t.ylerdavis SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Step 1

feel pain. 

and i don't mean stubbing your toe 

or hitting your hip on the table.

i mean real

gut-wrenching pain,

the kind that leaves you shaking

the kind that doesn't stop hurting

for days on end

and you begin to wonder

if it'll ever stop.


Step 2

control it.

take your pain 

in its purest state,

and harness it until it's 

yours and yours alone.

this is your pain and suffering

and nights on end spent 

shaking and staring blankly

at a wall.

these are your tears and 

nights spent with your face in a pillow

to muffle the sound of your screams.

these are the marks of your nails 

dragging down your skin;

the marks so deep

it hurt to tug on your jeans 

the next morning.

this is your raw,

unaltered, pain.


Step 3

write it.

find some way to

force it into words and 

write it.

write until you run out of words

and when you do,

wait a few minutes 

and then write some more.

write until your hands

stop shaking and your head

stops hurting and your stomach

unknots itself.

write until you can't breathe.

no, write until you can.


Step 4

share it. 

share it with the world,

shout it from the rooftops

and make sure they hear you.

make sure they listen as you

contribute your verse.

don't you dare let them ignore you.

the world has gone mad 

trying to hide its pain.

let them see 

that you're still sane. 

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