It | Teen Ink


February 1, 2019
By ShadowMonsterz SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
ShadowMonsterz SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments


Theres eyelashes all over my bed.

Are those my eyelashes?

Are those from my tears?

Did they carry my eyelashes all the way down to my bed?

But how could that be possible?

I cant remember the last time I cried.

It must have ripped them out.

I look down my wrists.

What happened here?

Its pale white and dark red and light blue all mushed together.

Its dark purple and light brown and greenish yellow all at the same time.

Did it do this to me?

I cant remember anything.

I cant hear anything either.

I cant think about anything.

What is wrong with me?



I flush my pills.

Tears arent coming.

The sadness isnt there.

What’s in my head then?

Its not sad

Its not happy

Its not even mad.

Its eating my thoughts.

I cant think about it,

It wont let me.

It sends chills down my spine,

But I cant feel anything.

I want to feel something.


Its chasing me, faster and faster and faster

And I still dont know what it is.

Is it in my head?

Is it still behind me?

I dont know.

All I can say that it doesnt feel happy.

It it it

Its ruining my life.

The author's comments:

It’s not always sadness

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