Sublime | Teen Ink


December 12, 2018
By GraceAnna BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
GraceAnna BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At first, the sky is a brilliant gold

its blazing light shines

casting a splendid reflection

on the somber lake

Time passes and the gold melts

into an array of colors

a masterpiece of pinks, oranges

purples, blues, and reds

The last resplendent ray of sunlight

slips over the horizon

and the night takes its place

thousands of dazzling stars adorn the sky

beautifying the universe at dusk

No sound can be heard

but the ripple of water

the rustle of a light breeze

and the breaths of awe

for in that moment

the vast forest was pure

and untouched tranquility

The author's comments:

I love sunsets :)

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