Still | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By this_unflower PLATINUM, Lincoln, Rhode Island
this_unflower PLATINUM, Lincoln, Rhode Island
46 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
i will never understand
why you held me
if you were afraid of warmth

you should have known
i was fire

- Rupi Kaur , the sun and her flowers

Define what we were,

fickle love struck perfection

Forget the impending wreckage

Ignore the blemish in our reflection

What I’d thought was solid

was merely my imagination

And I was the dust and debris-

left behind when our love shattered-

scattered in every direction.

Upon rebuilding myself

I’ve learned this structure is incomplete

a fragile fragmented masterpiece

There are cracks in the canvas

and its portraying me,


something isn’t whole yet-

Because still, I miss you

and I shouldn’t be

Because still, I need you

and you’re bad for me

I can’t expect you to fill these cracks

I can’t expect you to help me fix this

Paint over my pain with your lips,

with your lies upon this-

this towering fortress…

won’t stand a minute

Hearts shielded by skyscrapers of stone

are not impenetrable because love is


Love is fallible, fragile, and


Blow upon it and watch it soar away

Watch as it works its poison and watch it destroy

I should hate you.

Oh, those poor fools

constructing their lives upon the lies

and the vows of another

All it takes is a simple shift

and it's all over.

It’s a shame that through it all-

all the breaking,

the slow healing-

And this pain that still lingers,

still makes my breath catch when I see you

It’s a shame that

even though you hurt me

I still love you.

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