The Road of Life | Teen Ink

The Road of Life

October 18, 2018
By KMLesniak GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
KMLesniak GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I walk down the road of life

slowly leaving the town of birth

now nearing the city of death.

Along life, I see shortcuts to death.

One path had blades and knife

covered in blood and flesh.

Another led to a small clinic

filled with millions of pills.

There was a path that dropped into a deep, cold lake.

And one that was drapped in trees

from which ropes in tearshaped knots hung.

I know how to take these shortcuts.

I know it would be easier to take them.

But if I do

what will I miss on life's road?

I stand still

not walking forward in life

and stare at the shortcuts to death.

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