doors | Teen Ink


October 11, 2018
By Carolinecheatham GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
Carolinecheatham GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say every door opens to new beginnings.
But what comes before those new beginnings
May be filled with perseverance through unimaginable hardships,
Tears through the moments where you think you might just quit,
Or loss that feels as if it took a part of you with it.
But what comes after the worst is incredible glee.
Freedom as boundless as a field that stretches to the horizon,
Brightness that can be felt by the heart, deep enough to warm the soul.
An infinite happiness is reached knowing the worst has faded away.
Never let the difficulties engulf you while you’re feeling your hand around
For the doorknob to the brightness

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