Sea of Stars | Teen Ink

Sea of Stars

July 31, 2018
By ShadowMonsterz SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
ShadowMonsterz SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Why is it that when I look out the bars

Of this prison cell of unconsciousness

I see a sea of gleaming stars

Tearing into me?

Stars you see when you fall asleep

Stars you see when youre in too deep

Stars you see when you fail to grasp

The mask that is reality

Inside the prison that i've built myself

Is the hollow shell of an insomniac

Overdosed on coffee and prozac

Singing to themself with strife

A window of hope and opportunity

In this chamber i built from meaningless dreams

When i look out, instead of what I want to see,

I see a sea of stars?

Are these simply dreams I dream each night

Are they visions of the melancholic sight

Of life slowly seeping out of me

When my heart no longer beats?

But maybe this is all a dream

I think after many death-like nights

The icy despairful sea i see

May just be a pretty sight

When I wake, pretty nights of wishful hopes

Were visions I never failed to see

But when they ended the sight slipped through my fingers

With cool and gentle breeze

The dream of life I dreamt each night

The hurtful but beautiful sea of light

Surrounding my cell of unconsciousness

Is giving me unrest

When you look into my lifeless eyes,

Can you see those hopeless starry skies?

My prison cell is the only thing

Keeping me from my hopes and dreams

I fear Ill never dream again

Never see how my life ends

Never achieve my goals in life

Never even try

“Please let me dream the dream of life again

Its the only hope that i can mend

My thumping heartbeat feels shallow and faint

As the dream begins to fade away

I ask myself, God tell me why

When I look out these broken bars

I cry into a blackened sea

Of neverending stars?

The author's comments:

This poem is something I wrote in 7th grade on impulse to simply write a poem. It may take a couple seconds to grasp, but the poem is about being in an unconcious state, unable to wake up and the frustration and sadness you feel that you may never get to achieve your goals. As your life slowly drains you reminisce about your dreams.

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