1,207 Miles | Teen Ink

1,207 Miles

July 27, 2018
By Jillyl305 BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
Jillyl305 BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway." -Eleanor Roosevelt

The University

Of Alabama is

1,207 miles

Away from me.

Our rooms

Are separated

By only a wall.

A thin wall.

That lets me hear

The tv

Blaring his favorite shows,

And the country music

Flowing out of his room

That I have become

So fond of.

1,207 Miles

The good nights

And good mornings

Will be no more.

1,207 miles.


Will be the only

Thing I hear at night.

1,207 miles.

No more music

Or laughs

Or movies

Will come

Out of that room.

Not until he drives

1,207 miles.

Just to see his family.

19 hours of driving,

And waiting,

Cramped legs,

Humid Alabama air,

Trying not to fall asleep.

19 hours.

1,207 miles.

Of me,

Missing him.

The author's comments:

My oldest brother is going away to college, even though I dont tell him often enough, I am truthfully going to miss him. For a lot of siblings, their brother/sister going away to college might not be that big a deal, but when your brother is a ninteen hour drive away from you things change a lot. I am going to miss the simple things like hoping in his truck for a ride while listening to country music, but I am also going to miss the big things like him not being around to annoy and tease me or having a missing seat at the dinner table. I hope you enjoy reading my poem just as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

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