In love with the moon | Teen Ink

In love with the moon

July 25, 2018
By KenzieB PLATINUM, Papillion, Nebraska
KenzieB PLATINUM, Papillion, Nebraska
22 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The canvas is the door to another dimension. The paintbrush is the key"

The fine lines of love are too strongly woven,

A feeling no person can describe perfectly.

I am in love with the moon.


He breathes life into me every night,

Giving me the wings to fly high above the cloudy skies

and fades just before the golden tears slip across the sun's surface.


He creates the constant wave patterns in my sea of emotion,

But also is the creator of the susami's that rattle my mantle to the core of it's existence.

I never feel lonesome while he is around.


The earthquakes caused by the viberations that go on inside my head,

Seem to still when I am in his presence.

Blue light casts my fears to shore so that I can finally rest my sleepless eyes.


I am in love with the moon.

No matter how much distance the skies put between us,

I will always love him.

He is my sancutary from this hell.


I was left with a god-shaped hole within my chest,

yet he fills me with clarity.

The stars dance and bow to please him,

I cannot help but watch in awe.

For I am in love with the moon

and that is all I know.

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